id,page,ref,title,content,breadcrumbs,references changelog:id68,changelog,id68,0.37 (2020-02-25),"Plugins now have a supported mechanism for writing to a database, using the new .execute_write() and .execute_write_fn() methods. Documentation . ( #682 ) Immutable databases that have had their rows counted using the inspect command now use the calculated count more effectively - thanks, Kevin Keogh. ( #666 ) --reload no longer restarts the server if a database file is modified, unless that database was opened immutable mode with -i . ( #494 ) New ?_searchmode=raw option turns off escaping for FTS queries in ?_search= allowing full use of SQLite's FTS5 query syntax . ( #676 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#682""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#666""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#494""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""FTS5 query syntax""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#676""}]" changelog:id69,changelog,id69,0.36 (2020-02-21),"The datasette object passed to plugins now has API documentation: Datasette class . ( #576 ) New methods on datasette : .add_database() and .remove_database() - documentation . ( #671 ) prepare_connection() plugin hook now takes optional datasette and database arguments - prepare_connection(conn, database, datasette) . ( #678 ) Added three new plugins and one new conversion tool to the The Datasette Ecosystem .","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#576""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#671""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#678""}]" changelog:id7,changelog,id7,0.64.3 (2023-04-27),Added pip and setuptools as explicit dependencies. This fixes a bug where Datasette could not be installed using Rye . ( #2065 ),"[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""Rye""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2065""}]" changelog:id70,changelog,id70,0.35 (2020-02-04),"Added five new plugins and one new conversion tool to the The Datasette Ecosystem . The Datasette class has a new render_template() method which can be used by plugins to render templates using Datasette's pre-configured Jinja templating library. You can now execute SQL queries that start with a -- comment - thanks, Jay Graves ( #653 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""Jinja""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#653""}]" changelog:id71,changelog,id71,0.34 (2020-01-29),"_search= queries are now correctly escaped using a new escape_fts() custom SQL function. This means you can now run searches for strings like park. without seeing errors. ( #651 ) Google Cloud Run is no longer in beta, so datasette publish cloudrun has been updated to work even if the user has not installed the gcloud beta components package. Thanks, Katie McLaughlin ( #660 ) datasette package now accepts a --port option for specifying which port the resulting Docker container should listen on. ( #661 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#651""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""Google Cloud Run""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#660""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#661""}]" changelog:id72,changelog,id72,0.33 (2019-12-22),"rowid is now included in dropdown menus for filtering tables ( #636 ) Columns are now only suggested for faceting if they have at least one value with more than one record ( #638 ) Queries with no results now display ""0 results"" ( #637 ) Improved documentation for the --static option ( #641 ) asyncio task information is now included on the /-/threads debug page Bumped Uvicorn dependency 0.11 You can now use --port 0 to listen on an available port New template_debug setting for debugging templates, e.g. ( #654 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#636""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#638""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#637""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#641""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": """"}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#654""}]" changelog:id73,changelog,id73,0.32 (2019-11-14),"Datasette now renders templates using Jinja async mode . This means plugins can provide custom template functions that perform asynchronous actions, for example the new datasette-template-sql plugin which allows custom templates to directly execute SQL queries and render their results. ( #628 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""Jinja async mode""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""datasette-template-sql""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#628""}]" changelog:id74,changelog,id74,0.31.2 (2019-11-13),"Fixed a bug where datasette publish heroku applications failed to start ( #633 ) Fix for datasette publish with just --source_url - thanks, Stanley Zheng ( #572 ) Deployments to Heroku now use Python 3.8.0 ( #632 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#633""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#572""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#632""}]" changelog:id75,changelog,id75,0.31.1 (2019-11-12),Deployments created using datasette publish now use python:3.8 base Docker image ( #629 ),"[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#629""}]" changelog:id76,changelog,id76,0.31 (2019-11-11),"This version adds compatibility with Python 3.8 and breaks compatibility with Python 3.5. If you are still running Python 3.5 you should stick with 0.30.2 , which you can install like this: pip install datasette==0.30.2 Format SQL button now works with read-only SQL queries - thanks, Tobias Kunze ( #602 ) New ?column__notin=x,y,z filter for table views ( #614 ) Table view now uses select col1, col2, col3 instead of select * Database filenames can now contain spaces - thanks, Tobias Kunze ( #590 ) Removed obsolete ?_group_count=col feature ( #504 ) Improved user interface and documentation for datasette publish cloudrun ( #608 ) Tables with indexes now show the CREATE INDEX statements on the table page ( #618 ) Current version of uvicorn is now shown on /-/versions Python 3.8 is now supported! ( #622 ) Python 3.5 is no longer supported.","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#602""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#614""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#590""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#504""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#608""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#618""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""uvicorn""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#622""}]" changelog:id77,changelog,id77,0.30.2 (2019-11-02),"/-/plugins page now uses distribution name e.g. datasette-cluster-map instead of the name of the underlying Python package ( datasette_cluster_map ) ( #606 ) Array faceting is now only suggested for columns that contain arrays of strings ( #562 ) Better documentation for the --host argument ( #574 ) Don't show None with a broken link for the label on a nullable foreign key ( #406 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#606""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#562""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#574""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#406""}]" changelog:id78,changelog,id78,0.30.1 (2019-10-30),"Fixed bug where ?_where= parameter was not persisted in hidden form fields ( #604 ) Fixed bug with .JSON representation of row pages - thanks, Chris Shaw ( #603 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#604""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#603""}]" changelog:id79,changelog,id79,0.30 (2019-10-18),"Added /-/threads debugging page Allow EXPLAIN WITH... ( #583 ) Button to format SQL - thanks, Tobias Kunze ( #136 ) Sort databases on homepage by argument order - thanks, Tobias Kunze ( #585 ) Display metadata footer on custom SQL queries - thanks, Tobias Kunze ( #589 ) Use --platform=managed for publish cloudrun ( #587 ) Fixed bug returning non-ASCII characters in CSV ( #584 ) Fix for /foo v.s. /foo-bar bug ( #601 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#583""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#136""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#585""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#589""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#587""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#584""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#601""}]" changelog:id8,changelog,id8,0.64.2 (2023-03-08),"Fixed a bug with datasette publish cloudrun where deploys all used the same Docker image tag. This was mostly inconsequential as the service is deployed as soon as the image has been pushed to the registry, but could result in the incorrect image being deployed if two different deploys for two separate services ran at exactly the same time. ( #2036 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2036""}]" changelog:id80,changelog,id80,0.29.3 (2019-09-02),"Fixed implementation of CodeMirror on database page ( #560 ) Documentation typo fixes - thanks, Min ho Kim ( #561 ) Mechanism for detecting if a table has FTS enabled now works if the table name used alternative escaping mechanisms ( #570 ) - for compatibility with a recent change to sqlite-utils .","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#560""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#561""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#570""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""a recent change to sqlite-utils""}]" changelog:id81,changelog,id81,0.29.2 (2019-07-13),"Bumped Uvicorn to 0.8.4, fixing a bug where the query string was not included in the server logs. ( #559 ) Fixed bug where the navigation breadcrumbs were not displayed correctly on the page for a custom query. ( #558 ) Fixed bug where custom query names containing unicode characters caused errors.","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""Uvicorn""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#559""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#558""}]" changelog:id82,changelog,id82,0.29.1 (2019-07-11),"Fixed bug with static mounts using relative paths which could lead to traversal exploits ( #555 ) - thanks Abdussamet Kocak! Datasette can now be run as a module: python -m datasette ( #556 ) - thanks, Abdussamet Kocak!","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#555""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#556""}]" changelog:id83,changelog,id83,0.29 (2019-07-07),"ASGI, new plugin hooks, facet by date and much, much more...","[""Changelog""]",[] changelog:id84,changelog,id84,0.28 (2019-05-19),A salmagundi of new features!,"[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""salmagundi""}]" changelog:id85,changelog,id85,Small changes,"We now show the size of the database file next to the download link ( #172 ) New /-/databases introspection page shows currently connected databases ( #470 ) Binary data is no longer displayed on the table and row pages ( #442 - thanks, Russ Garrett) New show/hide SQL links on custom query pages ( #415 ) The extra_body_script plugin hook now accepts an optional view_name argument ( #443 - thanks, Russ Garrett) Bumped Jinja2 dependency to 2.10.1 ( #426 ) All table filters are now documented, and documentation is enforced via unit tests ( 2c19a27 ) New project guideline: master should stay shippable at all times! ( 31f36e1 ) Fixed a bug where sqlite_timelimit() occasionally failed to clean up after itself ( bac4e01 ) We no longer load additional plugins when executing pytest ( #438 ) Homepage now links to database views if there are less than five tables in a database ( #373 ) The --cors option is now respected by error pages ( #453 ) datasette publish heroku now uses the --include-vcs-ignore option, which means it works under Travis CI ( #407 ) datasette publish heroku now publishes using Python 3.6.8 ( 666c374 ) Renamed datasette publish now to datasette publish nowv1 ( #472 ) datasette publish nowv1 now accepts multiple --alias parameters ( 09ef305 ) Removed the datasette skeleton command ( #476 ) The documentation on how to build the documentation now recommends sphinx-autobuild","[""Changelog"", ""0.28 (2019-05-19)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#172""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#470""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#442""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#415""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#443""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#426""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""2c19a27""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""31f36e1""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""bac4e01""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#438""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#373""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#453""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#407""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""666c374""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#472""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""09ef305""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#476""}]" changelog:id86,changelog,id86,0.27.1 (2019-05-09),"Tiny bugfix release: don't install tests/ in the wrong place. Thanks, Veit Heller.","[""Changelog""]",[] changelog:id87,changelog,id87,0.27 (2019-01-31),"New command: datasette plugins ( documentation ) shows you the currently installed list of plugins. Datasette can now output newline-delimited JSON using the new ?_shape=array&_nl=on query string option. Added documentation on The Datasette Ecosystem . Now using Python 3.7.2 as the base for the official Datasette Docker image .","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""newline-delimited JSON""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""Datasette Docker image""}]" changelog:id88,changelog,id88,0.26.1 (2019-01-10),"/-/versions now includes SQLite compile_options ( #396 ) datasetteproject/datasette Docker image now uses SQLite 3.26.0 ( #397 ) Cleaned up some deprecation warnings under Python 3.7","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#396""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""datasetteproject/datasette""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#397""}]" changelog:id89,changelog,id89,0.26 (2019-01-02),"datasette serve --reload now restarts Datasette if a database file changes on disk. datasette publish now now takes an optional --alias argument. This will attempt to set an alias after the deploy completes. Fixed a bug where the advanced CSV export form failed to include the currently selected filters ( #393 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#393""}]" changelog:id9,changelog,id9,0.64.1 (2023-01-11),"Documentation now links to a current source of information for installing Python 3. ( #1987 ) Incorrectly calling the Datasette constructor using Datasette(""path/to/data.db"") instead of Datasette([""path/to/data.db""]) now returns a useful error message. ( #1985 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1987""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1985""}]" changelog:id90,changelog,id90,0.25.2 (2018-12-16),"datasette publish heroku now uses the python-3.6.7 runtime Added documentation on how to build the documentation Added documentation covering our release process Upgraded to pytest 4.0.2","[""Changelog""]",[] changelog:id91,changelog,id91,0.25.1 (2018-11-04),"Documentation improvements plus a fix for publishing to Zeit Now. datasette publish now now uses Zeit's v1 platform, to work around the new 100MB image limit. Thanks, @slygent - closes #366 .","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#366""}]" changelog:id92,changelog,id92,0.25 (2018-09-19),"New plugin hooks, improved database view support and an easier way to use more recent versions of SQLite. New publish_subcommand plugin hook. A plugin can now add additional datasette publish publishers in addition to the default now and heroku , both of which have been refactored into default plugins. publish_subcommand documentation . Closes #349 New render_cell plugin hook. Plugins can now customize how values are displayed in the HTML tables produced by Datasette's browsable interface. datasette-json-html and datasette-render-images are two new plugins that use this hook. render_cell documentation . Closes #352 New extra_body_script plugin hook, enabling plugins to provide additional JavaScript that should be added to the page footer. extra_body_script documentation . extra_css_urls and extra_js_urls hooks now take additional optional parameters, allowing them to be more selective about which pages they apply to. Documentation . You can now use the sortable_columns metadata setting to explicitly enable sort-by-column in the interface for database views, as well as for specific tables. The new fts_table and fts_pk metadata settings can now be used to explicitly configure full-text search for a table or a view , even if that table is not directly coupled to the SQLite FTS feature in the database schema itself. Datasette will now use pysqlite3 in place of the standard library sqlite3 module if it has been installed in the current environment. This makes it much easier to run Datasette against a more recent version of SQLite, including the just-released SQLite 3.25.0 which adds window function support. More details on how to use this in #360 New mechanism that allows plugin configuration options to be set using metadata.json .","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#349""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""datasette-json-html""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""datasette-render-images""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#352""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""pysqlite3""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""SQLite 3.25.0""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#360""}]" changelog:id93,changelog,id93,0.24 (2018-07-23),"A number of small new features: datasette publish heroku now supports --extra-options , fixes #334 Custom error message if SpatiaLite is needed for specified database, closes #331 New config option: truncate_cells_html for truncating long cell values in HTML view - closes #330 Documentation for datasette publish and datasette package , closes #337 Fixed compatibility with Python 3.7 datasette publish heroku now supports app names via the -n option, which can also be used to overwrite an existing application [Russ Garrett] Title and description metadata can now be set for canned SQL queries , closes #342 New force_https_on config option, fixes https:// API URLs when deploying to Zeit Now - closes #333 ?_json_infinity=1 query string argument for handling Infinity/-Infinity values in JSON, closes #332 URLs displayed in the results of custom SQL queries are now URLified, closes #298","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#334""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#331""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#330""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#337""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#342""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#333""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#332""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#298""}]" changelog:improved-support-for-spatialite,changelog,improved-support-for-spatialite,Improved support for SpatiaLite,"The SpatiaLite module for SQLite adds robust geospatial features to the database. Getting SpatiaLite working can be tricky, especially if you want to use the most recent alpha version (with support for K-nearest neighbor). Datasette now includes extensive documentation on SpatiaLite , and thanks to Ravi Kotecha our GitHub repo includes a Dockerfile that can build the latest SpatiaLite and configure it for use with Datasette. The datasette publish and datasette package commands now accept a new --spatialite argument which causes them to install and configure SpatiaLite as part of the container they deploy.","[""Changelog"", ""0.23 (2018-06-18)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""SpatiaLite module""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""Ravi Kotecha""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""Dockerfile""}]" changelog:javascript-modules,changelog,javascript-modules,JavaScript modules,"JavaScript modules were introduced in ECMAScript 2015 and provide native browser support for the import and export keywords. To use modules, JavaScript needs to be included in