{"id": "internals:database-close", "page": "internals", "ref": "database-close", "title": "db.close()", "content": "Closes all of the open connections to file-backed databases. This is mainly intended to be used by large test suites, to avoid hitting limits on the number of open files.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\", \"Database class\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "internals:database-constructor", "page": "internals", "ref": "database-constructor", "title": "Database(ds, path=None, is_mutable=True, is_memory=False, memory_name=None)", "content": "The Database() constructor can be used by plugins, in conjunction with .add_database(db, name=None, route=None) , to create and register new databases. \n The arguments are as follows: \n \n \n ds - Datasette class (required) \n \n The Datasette instance you are attaching this database to. \n \n \n \n path - string \n \n Path to a SQLite database file on disk. \n \n \n \n is_mutable - boolean \n \n Set this to False to cause Datasette to open the file in immutable mode. \n \n \n \n is_memory - boolean \n \n Use this to create non-shared memory connections. \n \n \n \n memory_name - string or None \n \n Use this to create a named in-memory database. Unlike regular memory databases these can be accessed by multiple threads and will persist an changes made to them for the lifetime of the Datasette server process. \n \n \n \n The first argument is the datasette instance you are attaching to, the second is a path= , then is_mutable and is_memory are both optional arguments.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\", \"Database class\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "internals:database-execute", "page": "internals", "ref": "database-execute", "title": "await db.execute(sql, ...)", "content": "Executes a SQL query against the database and returns the resulting rows (see Results ). \n \n \n sql - string (required) \n \n The SQL query to execute. This can include ? or :named parameters. \n \n \n \n params - list or dict \n \n A list or dictionary of values to use for the parameters. List for ? , dictionary for :named . \n \n \n \n truncate - boolean \n \n Should the rows returned by the query be truncated at the maximum page size? Defaults to True , set this to False to disable truncation. \n \n \n \n custom_time_limit - integer ms \n \n A custom time limit for this query. This can be set to a lower value than the Datasette configured default. If a query takes longer than this it will be terminated early and raise a dataette.database.QueryInterrupted exception. \n \n \n \n page_size - integer \n \n Set a custom page size for truncation, over-riding the configured Datasette default. \n \n \n \n log_sql_errors - boolean \n \n Should any SQL errors be logged to the console in addition to being raised as an error? Defaults to True .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\", \"Database class\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "internals:database-execute-fn", "page": "internals", "ref": "database-execute-fn", "title": "await db.execute_fn(fn)", "content": "Executes a given callback function against a read-only database connection running in a thread. The function will be passed a SQLite connection, and the return value from the function will be returned by the await . \n Example usage: \n def get_version(conn):\n return conn.execute(\n \"select sqlite_version()\"\n ).fetchall()[0][0]\n\n\nversion = await db.execute_fn(get_version)", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\", \"Database class\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "internals:database-execute-write", "page": "internals", "ref": "database-execute-write", "title": "await db.execute_write(sql, params=None, block=True)", "content": "SQLite only allows one database connection to write at a time. Datasette handles this for you by maintaining a queue of writes to be executed against a given database. Plugins can submit write operations to this queue and they will be executed in the order in which they are received. \n This method can be used to queue up a non-SELECT SQL query to be executed against a single write connection to the database. \n You can pass additional SQL parameters as a tuple or dictionary. \n The method will block until the operation is completed, and the return value will be the return from calling conn.execute(...) using the underlying sqlite3 Python library. \n If you pass block=False this behaviour changes to \"fire and forget\" - queries will be added to the write queue and executed in a separate thread while your code can continue to do other things. The method will return a UUID representing the queued task.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\", \"Database class\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "internals:database-execute-write-fn", "page": "internals", "ref": "database-execute-write-fn", "title": "await db.execute_write_fn(fn, block=True)", "content": "This method works like .execute_write() , but instead of a SQL statement you give it a callable Python function. Your function will be queued up and then called when the write connection is available, passing that connection as the argument to the function. \n The function can then perform multiple actions, safe in the knowledge that it has exclusive access to the single writable connection for as long as it is executing. \n \n fn needs to be a regular function, not an async def function. \n \n For example: \n def delete_and_return_count(conn):\n conn.execute(\"delete from some_table where id > 5\")\n return conn.execute(\n \"select count(*) from some_table\"\n ).fetchone()[0]\n\n\ntry:\n num_rows_left = await database.execute_write_fn(\n delete_and_return_count\n )\nexcept Exception as e:\n print(\"An error occurred:\", e) \n The value returned from await database.execute_write_fn(...) will be the return value from your function. \n If your function raises an exception that exception will be propagated up to the await line. \n If you specify block=False the method becomes fire-and-forget, queueing your function to be executed and then allowing your code after the call to .execute_write_fn() to continue running while the underlying thread waits for an opportunity to run your function. A UUID representing the queued task will be returned. Any exceptions in your code will be silently swallowed.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\", \"Database class\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "internals:database-execute-write-many", "page": "internals", "ref": "database-execute-write-many", "title": "await db.execute_write_many(sql, params_seq, block=True)", "content": "Like execute_write() but uses the sqlite3 conn.executemany() method. This will efficiently execute the same SQL statement against each of the parameters in the params_seq iterator, for example: \n await db.execute_write_many(\n \"insert into characters (id, name) values (?, ?)\",\n [(1, \"Melanie\"), (2, \"Selma\"), (2, \"Viktor\")],\n)", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\", \"Database class\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://docs.python.org/3/library/sqlite3.html#sqlite3.Cursor.executemany\", \"label\": \"conn.executemany()\"}]"} {"id": "internals:database-execute-write-script", "page": "internals", "ref": "database-execute-write-script", "title": "await db.execute_write_script(sql, block=True)", "content": "Like execute_write() but can be used to send multiple SQL statements in a single string separated by semicolons, using the sqlite3 conn.executescript() method.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\", \"Database class\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://docs.python.org/3/library/sqlite3.html#sqlite3.Cursor.executescript\", \"label\": \"conn.executescript()\"}]"} {"id": "internals:database-hash", "page": "internals", "ref": "database-hash", "title": "db.hash", "content": "If the database was opened in immutable mode, this property returns the 64 character SHA-256 hash of the database contents as a string. Otherwise it returns None .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\", \"Database class\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "internals:database-results", "page": "internals", "ref": "database-results", "title": "Results", "content": "The db.execute() method returns a single Results object. This can be used to access the rows returned by the query. \n Iterating over a Results object will yield SQLite Row objects . Each of these can be treated as a tuple or can be accessed using row[\"column\"] syntax: \n info = []\nresults = await db.execute(\"select name from sqlite_master\")\nfor row in results:\n info.append(row[\"name\"]) \n The Results object also has the following properties and methods: \n \n \n .truncated - boolean \n \n Indicates if this query was truncated - if it returned more results than the specified page_size . If this is true then the results object will only provide access to the first page_size rows in the query result. You can disable truncation by passing truncate=False to the db.query() method. \n \n \n \n .columns - list of strings \n \n A list of column names returned by the query. \n \n \n \n .rows - list of sqlite3.Row \n \n This property provides direct access to the list of rows returned by the database. You can access specific rows by index using results.rows[0] . \n \n \n \n .first() - row or None \n \n Returns the first row in the results, or None if no rows were returned. \n \n \n \n .single_value() \n \n Returns the value of the first column of the first row of results - but only if the query returned a single row with a single column. Raises a datasette.database.MultipleValues exception otherwise. \n \n \n \n .__len__() \n \n Calling len(results) returns the (truncated) number of returned results.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\", \"Database class\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://docs.python.org/3/library/sqlite3.html#row-objects\", \"label\": \"Row objects\"}]"} {"id": "internals:internals-database-introspection", "page": "internals", "ref": "internals-database-introspection", "title": "Database introspection", "content": "The Database class also provides properties and methods for introspecting the database. \n \n \n db.name - string \n \n The name of the database - usually the filename without the .db prefix. \n \n \n \n db.size - integer \n \n The size of the database file in bytes. 0 for :memory: databases. \n \n \n \n db.mtime_ns - integer or None \n \n The last modification time of the database file in nanoseconds since the epoch. None for :memory: databases. \n \n \n \n db.is_mutable - boolean \n \n Is this database mutable, and allowed to accept writes? \n \n \n \n db.is_memory - boolean \n \n Is this database an in-memory database? \n \n \n \n await db.attached_databases() - list of named tuples \n \n Returns a list of additional databases that have been connected to this database using the SQLite ATTACH command. Each named tuple has fields seq , name and file . \n \n \n \n await db.table_exists(table) - boolean \n \n Check if a table called table exists. \n \n \n \n await db.table_names() - list of strings \n \n List of names of tables in the database. \n \n \n \n await db.view_names() - list of strings \n \n List of names of views in the database. \n \n \n \n await db.table_columns(table) - list of strings \n \n Names of columns in a specific table. \n \n \n \n await db.table_column_details(table) - list of named tuples \n \n Full details of the columns in a specific table. Each column is represented by a Column named tuple with fields cid (integer representing the column position), name (string), type (string, e.g. REAL or VARCHAR(30) ), notnull (integer 1 or 0), default_value (string or None), is_pk (integer 1 or 0). \n \n \n \n await db.primary_keys(table) - list of strings \n \n Names of the columns that are part of the primary key for this table. \n \n \n \n await db.fts_table(table) - string or None \n \n The name of the FTS table associated with this table, if one exists. \n \n \n \n await db.label_column_for_table(table) - string or None \n \n The label column that is associated with this table - either automatically detected or using the \"label_column\" key from Metadata , see Specifying the label column for a table . \n \n \n \n await db.foreign_keys_for_table(table) - list of dictionaries \n \n Details of columns in this table which are foreign keys to other tables. A list of dictionaries where each dictionary is shaped like this: {\"column\": string, \"other_table\": string, \"other_column\": string} . \n \n \n \n await db.hidden_table_names() - list of strings \n \n List of tables which Datasette \"hides\" by default - usually these are tables associated with SQLite's full-text search feature, the SpatiaLite extension or tables hidden using the Hiding tables feature. \n \n \n \n await db.get_table_definition(table) - string \n \n Returns the SQL definition for the table - the CREATE TABLE statement and any associated CREATE INDEX statements. \n \n \n \n await db.get_view_definition(view) - string \n \n Returns the SQL definition of the named view. \n \n \n \n await db.get_all_foreign_keys() - dictionary \n \n Dictionary representing both incoming and outgoing foreign keys for this table. It has two keys, \"incoming\" and \"outgoing\" , each of which is a list of dictionaries with keys \"column\" , \"other_table\" and \"other_column\" . For example: \n {\n \"incoming\": [],\n \"outgoing\": [\n {\n \"other_table\": \"attraction_characteristic\",\n \"column\": \"characteristic_id\",\n \"other_column\": \"pk\",\n },\n {\n \"other_table\": \"roadside_attractions\",\n \"column\": \"attraction_id\",\n \"other_column\": \"pk\",\n }\n ]\n}", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\", \"Database class\"]", "references": "[]"}