{"id": "authentication:authentication", "page": "authentication", "ref": "authentication", "title": "Authentication and permissions", "content": "Datasette does not require authentication by default. Any visitor to a Datasette instance can explore the full data and execute read-only SQL queries. \n Datasette's plugin system can be used to add many different styles of authentication, such as user accounts, single sign-on or API keys.", "breadcrumbs": "[]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "authentication:authentication-actor", "page": "authentication", "ref": "authentication-actor", "title": "Actors", "content": "Through plugins, Datasette can support both authenticated users (with cookies) and authenticated API agents (via authentication tokens). The word \"actor\" is used to cover both of these cases. \n Every request to Datasette has an associated actor value, available in the code as request.actor . This can be None for unauthenticated requests, or a JSON compatible Python dictionary for authenticated users or API agents. \n The actor dictionary can be any shape - the design of that data structure is left up to the plugins. A useful convention is to include an \"id\" string, as demonstrated by the \"root\" actor below. \n Plugins can use the actor_from_request(datasette, request) hook to implement custom logic for authenticating an actor based on the incoming HTTP request.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "authentication:authentication-root", "page": "authentication", "ref": "authentication-root", "title": "Using the \"root\" actor", "content": "Datasette currently leaves almost all forms of authentication to plugins - datasette-auth-github for example. \n The one exception is the \"root\" account, which you can sign into while using Datasette on your local machine. This provides access to a small number of debugging features. \n To sign in as root, start Datasette using the --root command-line option, like this: \n $ datasette --root\nhttp://\nINFO: Started server process [25801]\nINFO: Waiting for application startup.\nINFO: Application startup complete.\nINFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) \n The URL on the first line includes a one-use token which can be used to sign in as the \"root\" actor in your browser. Click on that link and then visit to confirm that you are authenticated as an actor that looks like this: \n {\n \"id\": \"root\"\n}", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Actors\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette-auth-github\", \"label\": \"datasette-auth-github\"}]"} {"id": "authentication:authentication-permissions", "page": "authentication", "ref": "authentication-permissions", "title": "Permissions", "content": "Datasette has an extensive permissions system built-in, which can be further extended and customized by plugins. \n The key question the permissions system answers is this: \n \n Is this actor allowed to perform this action , optionally against this particular resource ? \n \n Actors are described above . \n An action is a string describing the action the actor would like to perform. A full list is provided below - examples include view-table and execute-sql . \n A resource is the item the actor wishes to interact with - for example a specific database or table. Some actions, such as permissions-debug , are not associated with a particular resource. \n Datasette's built-in view permissions ( view-database , view-table etc) default to allow - unless you configure additional permission rules unauthenticated users will be allowed to access content. \n Permissions with potentially harmful effects should default to deny . Plugin authors should account for this when designing new plugins - for example, the datasette-upload-csvs plugin defaults to deny so that installations don't accidentally allow unauthenticated users to create new tables by uploading a CSV file.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette-upload-csvs\", \"label\": \"datasette-upload-csvs\"}]"} {"id": "authentication:authentication-permissions-allow", "page": "authentication", "ref": "authentication-permissions-allow", "title": "Defining permissions with \"allow\" blocks", "content": "The standard way to define permissions in Datasette is to use an \"allow\" block. This is a JSON document describing which actors are allowed to perform a permission. \n The most basic form of allow block is this ( allow demo , deny demo ): \n {\n \"allow\": {\n \"id\": \"root\"\n }\n} \n This will match any actors with an \"id\" property of \"root\" - for example, an actor that looks like this: \n {\n \"id\": \"root\",\n \"name\": \"Root User\"\n} \n An allow block can specify \"deny all\" using false ( demo ): \n {\n \"allow\": false\n} \n An \"allow\" of true allows all access ( demo ): \n {\n \"allow\": true\n} \n Allow keys can provide a list of values. These will match any actor that has any of those values ( allow demo , deny demo ): \n {\n \"allow\": {\n \"id\": [\"simon\", \"cleopaws\"]\n }\n} \n This will match any actor with an \"id\" of either \"simon\" or \"cleopaws\" . \n Actors can have properties that feature a list of values. These will be matched against the list of values in an allow block. Consider the following actor: \n {\n \"id\": \"simon\",\n \"roles\": [\"staff\", \"developer\"]\n} \n This allow block will provide access to any actor that has \"developer\" as one of their roles ( allow demo , deny demo ): \n {\n \"allow\": {\n \"roles\": [\"developer\"]\n }\n} \n Note that \"roles\" is not a concept that is baked into Datasette - it's a convention that plugins can choose to implement and act on. \n If you want to provide access to any actor with a value for a specific key, use \"*\" . For example, to match any logged-in user specify the following ( allow demo , deny demo ): \n {\n \"allow\": {\n \"id\": \"*\"\n }\n} \n You can specify that only unauthenticated actors (from anynomous HTTP requests) should be allowed access using the special \"unauthenticated\": true key in an allow block ( allow demo , deny demo ): \n {\n \"allow\": {\n \"unauthenticated\": true\n }\n} \n Allow keys act as an \"or\" mechanism. An actor will be able to execute the query if any of their JSON properties match any of the values in the corresponding lists in the allow block. The following block will allow users with either a role of \"ops\" OR users who have an id of \"simon\" or \"cleopaws\" : \n {\n \"allow\": {\n \"id\": [\"simon\", \"cleopaws\"],\n \"role\": \"ops\"\n }\n} \n Demo for cleopaws , demo for ops role , demo for an actor matching neither rule .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Permissions\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=%7B%22id%22%3A+%22root%22%7D&allow=%7B%0D%0A++++++++%22id%22%3A+%22root%22%0D%0A++++%7D\", \"label\": \"allow demo\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=%7B%22id%22%3A+%22trevor%22%7D&allow=%7B%0D%0A++++++++%22id%22%3A+%22root%22%0D%0A++++%7D\", \"label\": \"deny demo\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%22root%22%0D%0A%7D&allow=false\", \"label\": \"demo\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%22root%22%0D%0A%7D&allow=true\", \"label\": \"demo\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%22cleopaws%22%0D%0A%7D&allow=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%5B%0D%0A++++++++%22simon%22%2C%0D%0A++++++++%22cleopaws%22%0D%0A++++%5D%0D%0A%7D\", \"label\": \"allow demo\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%22pancakes%22%0D%0A%7D&allow=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%5B%0D%0A++++++++%22simon%22%2C%0D%0A++++++++%22cleopaws%22%0D%0A++++%5D%0D%0A%7D\", \"label\": \"deny demo\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%22simon%22%2C%0D%0A++++%22roles%22%3A+%5B%0D%0A++++++++%22staff%22%2C%0D%0A++++++++%22developer%22%0D%0A++++%5D%0D%0A%7D&allow=%7B%0D%0A++++%22roles%22%3A+%5B%0D%0A++++++++%22developer%22%0D%0A++++%5D%0D%0A%7D\", \"label\": \"allow demo\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%22cleopaws%22%2C%0D%0A++++%22roles%22%3A+%5B%22dog%22%5D%0D%0A%7D&allow=%7B%0D%0A++++%22roles%22%3A+%5B%0D%0A++++++++%22developer%22%0D%0A++++%5D%0D%0A%7D\", \"label\": \"deny demo\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%22simon%22%0D%0A%7D&allow=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%22*%22%0D%0A%7D\", \"label\": \"allow demo\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=%7B%0D%0A++++%22bot%22%3A+%22readme-bot%22%0D%0A%7D&allow=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%22*%22%0D%0A%7D\", \"label\": \"deny demo\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=null&allow=%7B%0D%0A++++%22unauthenticated%22%3A+true%0D%0A%7D\", \"label\": \"allow demo\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%22hello%22%0D%0A%7D&allow=%7B%0D%0A++++%22unauthenticated%22%3A+true%0D%0A%7D\", \"label\": \"deny demo\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%22cleopaws%22%0D%0A%7D&allow=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%5B%0D%0A++++++++%22simon%22%2C%0D%0A++++++++%22cleopaws%22%0D%0A++++%5D%2C%0D%0A++++%22role%22%3A+%22ops%22%0D%0A%7D\", \"label\": \"Demo for cleopaws\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%22trevor%22%2C%0D%0A++++%22role%22%3A+%5B%0D%0A++++++++%22ops%22%2C%0D%0A++++++++%22staff%22%0D%0A++++%5D%0D%0A%7D&allow=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%5B%0D%0A++++++++%22simon%22%2C%0D%0A++++++++%22cleopaws%22%0D%0A++++%5D%2C%0D%0A++++%22role%22%3A+%22ops%22%0D%0A%7D\", \"label\": \"demo for ops role\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug?actor=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%22percy%22%2C%0D%0A++++%22role%22%3A+%5B%0D%0A++++++++%22staff%22%0D%0A++++%5D%0D%0A%7D&allow=%7B%0D%0A++++%22id%22%3A+%5B%0D%0A++++++++%22simon%22%2C%0D%0A++++++++%22cleopaws%22%0D%0A++++%5D%2C%0D%0A++++%22role%22%3A+%22ops%22%0D%0A%7D\", \"label\": \"demo for an actor matching neither rule\"}]"} {"id": "authentication:allowdebugview", "page": "authentication", "ref": "allowdebugview", "title": "The /-/allow-debug tool", "content": "The /-/allow-debug tool lets you try out different \"action\" blocks against different \"actor\" JSON objects. You can try that out here: https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Permissions\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug\", \"label\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/-/allow-debug\"}]"} {"id": "authentication:authentication-permissions-metadata", "page": "authentication", "ref": "authentication-permissions-metadata", "title": "Configuring permissions in metadata.json", "content": "You can limit who is allowed to view different parts of your Datasette instance using \"allow\" keys in your Metadata configuration. \n You can control the following: \n \n \n Access to the entire Datasette instance \n \n \n Access to specific databases \n \n \n Access to specific tables and views \n \n \n Access to specific Canned queries \n \n \n If a user cannot access a specific database, they will not be able to access tables, views or queries within that database. If a user cannot access the instance they will not be able to access any of the databases, tables, views or queries.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "authentication:authentication-permissions-instance", "page": "authentication", "ref": "authentication-permissions-instance", "title": "Controlling access to an instance", "content": "Here's how to restrict access to your entire Datasette instance to just the \"id\": \"root\" user: \n {\n \"title\": \"My private Datasette instance\",\n \"allow\": {\n \"id\": \"root\"\n }\n} \n To deny access to all users, you can use \"allow\": false : \n {\n \"title\": \"My entirely inaccessible instance\",\n \"allow\": false\n} \n One reason to do this is if you are using a Datasette plugin - such as datasette-permissions-sql - to control permissions instead.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Configuring permissions in metadata.json\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette-permissions-sql\", \"label\": \"datasette-permissions-sql\"}]"} {"id": "authentication:authentication-permissions-database", "page": "authentication", "ref": "authentication-permissions-database", "title": "Controlling access to specific databases", "content": "To limit access to a specific private.db database to just authenticated users, use the \"allow\" block like this: \n {\n \"databases\": {\n \"private\": {\n \"allow\": {\n \"id\": \"*\"\n }\n }\n }\n}", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Configuring permissions in metadata.json\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "authentication:authentication-permissions-table", "page": "authentication", "ref": "authentication-permissions-table", "title": "Controlling access to specific tables and views", "content": "To limit access to the users table in your bakery.db database: \n {\n \"databases\": {\n \"bakery\": {\n \"tables\": {\n \"users\": {\n \"allow\": {\n \"id\": \"*\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n} \n This works for SQL views as well - you can list their names in the \"tables\" block above in the same way as regular tables. \n \n Restricting access to tables and views in this way will NOT prevent users from querying them using arbitrary SQL queries, like this for example. \n If you are restricting access to specific tables you should also use the \"allow_sql\" block to prevent users from bypassing the limit with their own SQL queries - see Controlling the ability to execute arbitrary SQL .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Configuring permissions in metadata.json\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures?sql=select+*+from+facetable\", \"label\": \"like this\"}]"} {"id": "authentication:authentication-permissions-query", "page": "authentication", "ref": "authentication-permissions-query", "title": "Controlling access to specific canned queries", "content": "Canned queries allow you to configure named SQL queries in your metadata.json that can be executed by users. These queries can be set up to both read and write to the database, so controlling who can execute them can be important. \n To limit access to the add_name canned query in your dogs.db database to just the root user : \n {\n \"databases\": {\n \"dogs\": {\n \"queries\": {\n \"add_name\": {\n \"sql\": \"INSERT INTO names (name) VALUES (:name)\",\n \"write\": true,\n \"allow\": {\n \"id\": [\"root\"]\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Configuring permissions in metadata.json\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "authentication:authentication-permissions-execute-sql", "page": "authentication", "ref": "authentication-permissions-execute-sql", "title": "Controlling the ability to execute arbitrary SQL", "content": "Datasette defaults to allowing any site visitor to execute their own custom SQL queries, for example using the form on the database page or by appending a ?_where= parameter to the table page like this . \n Access to this ability is controlled by the execute-sql permission. \n The easiest way to disable arbitrary SQL queries is using the default_allow_sql setting when you first start Datasette running. \n You can alternatively use an \"allow_sql\" block to control who is allowed to execute arbitrary SQL queries. \n To prevent any user from executing arbitrary SQL queries, use this: \n {\n \"allow_sql\": false\n} \n To enable just the root user to execute SQL for all databases in your instance, use the following: \n {\n \"allow_sql\": {\n \"id\": \"root\"\n }\n} \n To limit this ability for just one specific database, use this: \n {\n \"databases\": {\n \"mydatabase\": {\n \"allow_sql\": {\n \"id\": \"root\"\n }\n }\n }\n}", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Configuring permissions in metadata.json\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures\", \"label\": \"the database page\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/facetable?_where=_city_id=1\", \"label\": \"like this\"}]"} {"id": "authentication:permissions-plugins", "page": "authentication", "ref": "permissions-plugins", "title": "Checking permissions in plugins", "content": "Datasette plugins can check if an actor has permission to perform an action using the datasette.permission_allowed(...) method. \n Datasette core performs a number of permission checks, documented below . Plugins can implement the permission_allowed(datasette, actor, action, resource) plugin hook to participate in decisions about whether an actor should be able to perform a specified action.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "authentication:authentication-actor-matches-allow", "page": "authentication", "ref": "authentication-actor-matches-allow", "title": "actor_matches_allow()", "content": "Plugins that wish to implement this same \"allow\" block permissions scheme can take advantage of the datasette.utils.actor_matches_allow(actor, allow) function: \n from datasette.utils import actor_matches_allow\n\nactor_matches_allow({\"id\": \"root\"}, {\"id\": \"*\"})\n# returns True \n The currently authenticated actor is made available to plugins as request.actor .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "authentication:permissionsdebugview", "page": "authentication", "ref": "permissionsdebugview", "title": "The permissions debug tool", "content": "The debug tool at /-/permissions is only available to the authenticated root user (or any actor granted the permissions-debug action according to a plugin). \n It shows the thirty most recent permission checks that have been carried out by the Datasette instance. \n This is designed to help administrators and plugin authors understand exactly how permission checks are being carried out, in order to effectively configure Datasette's permission system.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "authentication:authentication-ds-actor", "page": "authentication", "ref": "authentication-ds-actor", "title": "The ds_actor cookie", "content": "Datasette includes a default authentication plugin which looks for a signed ds_actor cookie containing a JSON actor dictionary. This is how the root actor mechanism works. \n Authentication plugins can set signed ds_actor cookies themselves like so: \n response = Response.redirect(\"/\")\nresponse.set_cookie(\n \"ds_actor\",\n datasette.sign({\"a\": {\"id\": \"cleopaws\"}}, \"actor\"),\n) \n Note that you need to pass \"actor\" as the namespace to .sign(value, namespace=\"default\") . \n The shape of data encoded in the cookie is as follows: \n {\n \"a\": {... actor ...}\n}", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "authentication:authentication-ds-actor-expiry", "page": "authentication", "ref": "authentication-ds-actor-expiry", "title": "Including an expiry time", "content": "ds_actor cookies can optionally include a signed expiry timestamp, after which the cookies will no longer be valid. Authentication plugins may chose to use this mechanism to limit the lifetime of the cookie. For example, if a plugin implements single-sign-on against another source it may decide to set short-lived cookies so that if the user is removed from the SSO system their existing Datasette cookies will stop working shortly afterwards. \n To include an expiry, add a \"e\" key to the cookie value containing a base62-encoded integer representing the timestamp when the cookie should expire. For example, here's how to set a cookie that expires after 24 hours: \n import time\nfrom datasette.utils import baseconv\n\nexpires_at = int(time.time()) + (24 * 60 * 60)\n\nresponse = Response.redirect(\"/\")\nresponse.set_cookie(\n \"ds_actor\",\n datasette.sign(\n {\n \"a\": {\"id\": \"cleopaws\"},\n \"e\": baseconv.base62.encode(expires_at),\n },\n \"actor\",\n ),\n) \n The resulting cookie will encode data that looks something like this: \n {\n \"a\": {\n \"id\": \"cleopaws\"\n },\n \"e\": \"1jjSji\"\n}", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"The ds_actor cookie\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "authentication:logoutview", "page": "authentication", "ref": "logoutview", "title": "The /-/logout page", "content": "The page at /-/logout provides the ability to log out of a ds_actor cookie authentication session.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"The ds_actor cookie\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "authentication:id1", "page": "authentication", "ref": "id1", "title": "Built-in permissions", "content": "This section lists all of the permission checks that are carried out by Datasette core, along with the resource if it was passed.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "authentication:permissions-view-instance", "page": "authentication", "ref": "permissions-view-instance", "title": "view-instance", "content": "Top level permission - Actor is allowed to view any pages within this instance, starting at https://latest.datasette.io/ \n Default allow .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Built-in permissions\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/\", \"label\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/\"}]"} {"id": "authentication:permissions-view-database", "page": "authentication", "ref": "permissions-view-database", "title": "view-database", "content": "Actor is allowed to view a database page, e.g. https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures \n \n \n resource - string \n \n The name of the database \n \n \n \n Default allow .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Built-in permissions\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures\", \"label\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures\"}]"} {"id": "authentication:permissions-view-database-download", "page": "authentication", "ref": "permissions-view-database-download", "title": "view-database-download", "content": "Actor is allowed to download a database, e.g. https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures.db \n \n \n resource - string \n \n The name of the database \n \n \n \n Default allow .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Built-in permissions\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures.db\", \"label\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures.db\"}]"} {"id": "authentication:permissions-view-table", "page": "authentication", "ref": "permissions-view-table", "title": "view-table", "content": "Actor is allowed to view a table (or view) page, e.g. https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/complex_foreign_keys \n \n \n resource - tuple: (string, string) \n \n The name of the database, then the name of the table \n \n \n \n Default allow .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Built-in permissions\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/complex_foreign_keys\", \"label\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/complex_foreign_keys\"}]"} {"id": "authentication:permissions-view-query", "page": "authentication", "ref": "permissions-view-query", "title": "view-query", "content": "Actor is allowed to view (and execute) a canned query page, e.g. https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/pragma_cache_size - this includes executing Writable canned queries . \n \n \n resource - tuple: (string, string) \n \n The name of the database, then the name of the canned query \n \n \n \n Default allow .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Built-in permissions\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/pragma_cache_size\", \"label\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/pragma_cache_size\"}]"} {"id": "authentication:permissions-execute-sql", "page": "authentication", "ref": "permissions-execute-sql", "title": "execute-sql", "content": "Actor is allowed to run arbitrary SQL queries against a specific database, e.g. https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures?sql=select+100 \n \n \n resource - string \n \n The name of the database \n \n \n \n Default allow . See also the default_allow_sql setting .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Built-in permissions\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures?sql=select+100\", \"label\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures?sql=select+100\"}]"} {"id": "authentication:permissions-permissions-debug", "page": "authentication", "ref": "permissions-permissions-debug", "title": "permissions-debug", "content": "Actor is allowed to view the /-/permissions debug page. \n Default deny .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Built-in permissions\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "authentication:permissions-debug-menu", "page": "authentication", "ref": "permissions-debug-menu", "title": "debug-menu", "content": "Controls if the various debug pages are displayed in the navigation menu. \n Default deny .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Authentication and permissions\", \"Built-in permissions\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "binary_data:binary", "page": "binary_data", "ref": "binary", "title": "Binary data", "content": "SQLite tables can contain binary data in BLOB columns. \n Datasette includes special handling for these binary values. The Datasette interface detects binary values and provides a link to download their content, for example on https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/binary_data \n \n Binary data is represented in .json exports using Base64 encoding. \n https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/binary_data.json?_shape=array \n [\n {\n \"rowid\": 1,\n \"data\": {\n \"$base64\": true,\n \"encoded\": \"FRwCx60F/g==\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"rowid\": 2,\n \"data\": {\n \"$base64\": true,\n \"encoded\": \"FRwDx60F/g==\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"rowid\": 3,\n \"data\": null\n }\n]", "breadcrumbs": "[]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/binary_data\", \"label\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/binary_data\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/binary_data.json?_shape=array\", \"label\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/binary_data.json?_shape=array\"}]"} {"id": "binary_data:binary-linking", "page": "binary_data", "ref": "binary-linking", "title": "Linking to binary downloads", "content": "The .blob output format is used to return binary data. It requires a _blob_column= query string argument specifying which BLOB column should be downloaded, for example: \n https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/binary_data/1.blob?_blob_column=data \n This output format can also be used to return binary data from an arbitrary SQL query. Since such queries do not specify an exact row, an additional ?_blob_hash= parameter can be used to specify the SHA-256 hash of the value that is being linked to. \n Consider the query select data from binary_data - demonstrated here . \n That page links to the binary value downloads. Those links look like this: \n https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures.blob?sql=select+data+from+binary_data&_blob_column=data&_blob_hash=f3088978da8f9aea479ffc7f631370b968d2e855eeb172bea7f6c7a04262bb6d \n These .blob links are also returned in the .csv exports Datasette provides for binary tables and queries, since the CSV format does not have a mechanism for representing binary data.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Binary data\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/binary_data/1.blob?_blob_column=data\", \"label\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/binary_data/1.blob?_blob_column=data\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures?sql=select+data+from+binary_data\", \"label\": \"demonstrated here\"}, {\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures.blob?sql=select+data+from+binary_data&_blob_column=data&_blob_hash=f3088978da8f9aea479ffc7f631370b968d2e855eeb172bea7f6c7a04262bb6d\", \"label\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures.blob?sql=select+data+from+binary_data&_blob_column=data&_blob_hash=f3088978da8f9aea479ffc7f631370b968d2e855eeb172bea7f6c7a04262bb6d\"}]"} {"id": "binary_data:binary-plugins", "page": "binary_data", "ref": "binary-plugins", "title": "Binary plugins", "content": "Several Datasette plugins are available that change the way Datasette treats binary data. \n \n \n datasette-render-binary modifies Datasette's default interface to show an automatic guess at what type of binary data is being stored, along with a visual representation of the binary value that displays ASCII strings directly in the interface. \n \n \n datasette-render-images detects common image formats and renders them as images directly in the Datasette interface. \n \n \n datasette-media allows Datasette interfaces to be configured to serve binary files from configured SQL queries, and includes the ability to resize images directly before serving them.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Binary data\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette-render-binary\", \"label\": \"datasette-render-binary\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette-render-images\", \"label\": \"datasette-render-images\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette-media\", \"label\": \"datasette-media\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id1", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id1", "title": "Changelog", "content": "", "breadcrumbs": "[]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "changelog:id2", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id2", "title": "0.64.6 (2023-12-22)", "content": "Fixed a bug where CSV export with expanded labels could fail if a foreign key reference did not correctly resolve. ( #2214 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/2214\", \"label\": \"#2214\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id3", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id3", "title": "0.64.5 (2023-10-08)", "content": "Dropped dependency on click-default-group-wheel , which could cause a dependency conflict. ( #2197 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/2197\", \"label\": \"#2197\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id4", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id4", "title": "0.64.4 (2023-09-21)", "content": "Fix for a crashing bug caused by viewing the table page for a named in-memory database. ( #2189 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/2189\", \"label\": \"#2189\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id5", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id5", "title": "0.64.3 (2023-04-27)", "content": "Added pip and setuptools as explicit dependencies. This fixes a bug where Datasette could not be installed using Rye . ( #2065 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/mitsuhiko/rye\", \"label\": \"Rye\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/2065\", \"label\": \"#2065\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id6", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id6", "title": "0.64.2 (2023-03-08)", "content": "Fixed a bug with datasette publish cloudrun where deploys all used the same Docker image tag. This was mostly inconsequential as the service is deployed as soon as the image has been pushed to the registry, but could result in the incorrect image being deployed if two different deploys for two separate services ran at exactly the same time. ( #2036 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/2036\", \"label\": \"#2036\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id7", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id7", "title": "0.64.1 (2023-01-11)", "content": "Documentation now links to a current source of information for installing Python 3. ( #1987 ) \n \n \n Incorrectly calling the Datasette constructor using Datasette(\"path/to/data.db\") instead of Datasette([\"path/to/data.db\"]) now returns a useful error message. ( #1985 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1987\", \"label\": \"#1987\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1985\", \"label\": \"#1985\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id8", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id8", "title": "0.64 (2023-01-09)", "content": "Datasette now strongly recommends against allowing arbitrary SQL queries if you are using SpatiaLite . SpatiaLite includes SQL functions that could cause the Datasette server to crash. See SpatiaLite for more details. \n \n \n New default_allow_sql setting, providing an easier way to disable all arbitrary SQL execution by end users: datasette --setting default_allow_sql off . See also Controlling the ability to execute arbitrary SQL . ( #1409 ) \n \n \n Building a location to time zone API with SpatiaLite is a new Datasette tutorial showing how to safely use SpatiaLite to create a location to time zone API. \n \n \n New documentation about how to debug problems loading SQLite extensions . The error message shown when an extension cannot be loaded has also been improved. ( #1979 ) \n \n \n Fixed an accessibility issue: the