sections: internals:internals-database-introspection
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internals:internals-database-introspection | internals | internals-database-introspection | Database introspection | The Database class also provides properties and methods for introspecting the database. - string The name of the database - usually the filename without the .db prefix. db.size - integer The size of the database file in bytes. 0 for :memory: databases. db.mtime_ns - integer or None The last modification time of the database file in nanoseconds since the epoch. None for :memory: databases. db.is_mutable - boolean Is this database mutable, and allowed to accept writes? db.is_memory - boolean Is this database an in-memory database? await db.attached_databases() - list of named tuples Returns a list of additional databases that have been connected to this database using the SQLite ATTACH command. Each named tuple has fields seq , name and file . await db.table_exists(table) - boolean Check if a table called table exists. await db.table_names() - list of strings List of names of tables in the database. await db.view_names() - list of strings List of names of views in the database. await db.table_columns(table) - list of strings Names of columns in a specific table. await db.table_column_details(table) - list of named tuples Full details of the columns in a specific table. Each column is represented by a Column named tuple with fields cid (integer representing the column position), name (string), type (string, e.g. REAL or VARCHAR(30) ), notnull (integer 1 or 0), default_value (string or None), is_pk (integer 1 or 0). await db.primary_keys(table) - list of strings Names of the columns that are part of the primary key for this table. await db.fts_table(table) - string or None The name of the FTS table associated with this table, if one exists. await db.label_column_for_table(table) - string or None The label column that is associated with this table - either automatically detected or using the "label_column" key from Metadata , see Specifying the label column for a table . await db.foreign_keys_for_table(table) - list of dictionaries Details of columns in this table which are foreign keys to other tables. A list of dictionaries where each dictionary is shaped like this: {"column": string, "other_table": string, "other_column": string} . await db.hidden_table_names() - list of strings List of tables which Datasette "hides" by default - usually these are tables associated with SQLite's full-text search feature, the SpatiaLite extension or tables hidden using the Hiding tables feature. await db.get_table_definition(table) - string Returns the SQL definition for the table - the CREATE TABLE statement and any associated CREATE INDEX statements. await db.get_view_definition(view) - string Returns the SQL definition of the named view. await db.get_all_foreign_keys() - dictionary Dictionary representing both incoming and outgoing foreign keys for this table. It has two keys, "incoming" and "outgoing" , each of which is a list of dictionaries with keys "column" , "other_table" and "other_column" . For example: { "incoming": [], "outgoing": [ { "other_table": "attraction_characteristic", "column": "characteristic_id", "other_column": "pk", }, { "other_table": "roadside_attractions", "column": "attraction_id", "other_column": "pk", } ] } | ["Internals for plugins", "Database class"] | [] |