14 rows where breadcrumbs contains "Datasette class", breadcrumbs contains "Internals for plugins" and references = "[]"
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internals:datasette-absolute-url | internals | datasette-absolute-url | .absolute_url(request, path) | request - Request The current Request object path - string A path, for example /dbname/table.json Returns the absolute URL for the given path, including the protocol and host. For example: absolute_url = datasette.absolute_url( request, "/dbname/table.json" ) # Would return "http://localhost:8001/dbname/table.json" The current request object is used to determine the hostname and protocol that should be used for the returned URL. The force_https_urls configuration setting is taken into account. | ["Internals for plugins", "Datasette class"] | [] |
internals:datasette-add-database | internals | datasette-add-database | .add_database(db, name=None, route=None) | db - datasette.database.Database instance The database to be attached. name - string, optional The name to be used for this database . If not specified Datasette will pick one based on the filename or memory name. route - string, optional This will be used in the URL path. If not specified, it will default to the same thing as the name . The datasette.add_database(db) method lets you add a new database to the current Datasette instance. The db parameter should be an instance of the datasette.database.Database class. For example: from datasette.database import Database datasette.add_database( Database( datasette, path="path/to/my-new-database.db", ) ) This will add a mutable database and serve it at /my-new-database . Use is_mutable=False to add an immutable database. .add_database() returns the Database instance, with its name set as the attribute. Any time you are working with a newly added database you should use the return value of .add_database() , for example: db = datasette.add_database( Database(datasette, memory_name="statistics") ) await db.execute_write( "CREATE TABLE foo(id integer primary key)" ) | ["Internals for plugins", "Datasette class"] | [] |
internals:datasette-add-memory-database | internals | datasette-add-memory-database | .add_memory_database(name) | Adds a shared in-memory database with the specified name: datasette.add_memory_database("statistics") This is a shortcut for the following: from datasette.database import Database datasette.add_database( Database(datasette, memory_name="statistics") ) Using either of these pattern will result in the in-memory database being served at /statistics . | ["Internals for plugins", "Datasette class"] | [] |
internals:datasette-add-message | internals | datasette-add-message | .add_message(request, message, type=datasette.INFO) | request - Request The current Request object message - string The message string type - constant, optional The message type - datasette.INFO , datasette.WARNING or datasette.ERROR Datasette's flash messaging mechanism allows you to add a message that will be displayed to the user on the next page that they visit. Messages are persisted in a ds_messages cookie. This method adds a message to that cookie. You can try out these messages (including the different visual styling of the three message types) using the /-/messages debugging tool. | ["Internals for plugins", "Datasette class"] | [] |
internals:datasette-check-visibility | internals | datasette-check-visibility | await .check_visibility(actor, action=None, resource=None, permissions=None) | actor - dictionary The authenticated actor. This is usually . action - string, optional The name of the action that is being permission checked. resource - string or tuple, optional The resource, e.g. the name of the database, or a tuple of two strings containing the name of the database and the name of the table. Only some permissions apply to a resource. permissions - list of action strings or (action, resource) tuples, optional Provide this instead of action and resource to check multiple permissions at once. This convenience method can be used to answer the question "should this item be considered private, in that it is visible to me but it is not visible to anonymous users?" It returns a tuple of two booleans, (visible, private) . visible indicates if the actor can see this resource. private will be True if an anonymous user would not be able to view the resource. This example checks if the user can access a specific table, and sets private so that a padlock icon can later be displayed: visible, private = await self.ds.check_visibility(, action="view-table", resource=(database, table), ) The following example runs three checks in a row, similar to await .ensure_permissions(actor, permissions) . If any of the checks are denied before one of them is explicitly granted then visible will be F… | ["Internals for plugins", "Datasette class"] | [] |
internals:datasette-databases | internals | datasette-databases | .databases | Property exposing a collections.OrderedDict of databases currently connected to Datasette. The dictionary keys are the name of the database that is used in the URL - e.g. /fixtures would have a key of "fixtures" . The values are Database class instances. All databases are listed, irrespective of user permissions. This means that the _internal database will always be listed here. | ["Internals for plugins", "Datasette class"] | [] |
internals:datasette-ensure-permissions | internals | datasette-ensure-permissions | await .ensure_permissions(actor, permissions) | actor - dictionary The authenticated actor. This is usually . permissions - list A list of permissions to check. Each permission in that list can be a string action name or a 2-tuple of (action, resource) . This method allows multiple permissions to be checked at once. It raises a datasette.Forbidden exception if any of the checks are denied before one of them is explicitly granted. This is useful when you need to check multiple permissions at once. For example, an actor should be able to view a table if either one of the following checks returns True or not a single one of them returns False : await self.ds.ensure_permissions(, [ ("view-table", (database, table)), ("view-database", database), "view-instance", ], ) | ["Internals for plugins", "Datasette class"] | [] |
internals:datasette-get-database | internals | datasette-get-database | .get_database(name) | name - string, optional The name of the database - optional. Returns the specified database object. Raises a KeyError if the database does not exist. Call this method without an argument to return the first connected database. | ["Internals for plugins", "Datasette class"] | [] |
internals:datasette-permission-allowed | internals | datasette-permission-allowed | await .permission_allowed(actor, action, resource=None, default=False) | actor - dictionary The authenticated actor. This is usually . action - string The name of the action that is being permission checked. resource - string or tuple, optional The resource, e.g. the name of the database, or a tuple of two strings containing the name of the database and the name of the table. Only some permissions apply to a resource. default - optional, True or False Should this permission check be default allow or default deny. Check if the given actor has permission to perform the given action on the given resource. Some permission checks are carried out against rules defined in metadata.json , while other custom permissions may be decided by plugins that implement the permission_allowed(datasette, actor, action, resource) plugin hook. If neither metadata.json nor any of the plugins provide an answer to the permission query the default argument will be returned. See Built-in permissions for a full list of permission actions included in Datasette core. | ["Internals for plugins", "Datasette class"] | [] |
internals:datasette-plugin-config | internals | datasette-plugin-config | .plugin_config(plugin_name, database=None, table=None) | plugin_name - string The name of the plugin to look up configuration for. Usually this is something similar to datasette-cluster-map . database - None or string The database the user is interacting with. table - None or string The table the user is interacting with. This method lets you read plugin configuration values that were set in metadata.json . See Writing plugins that accept configuration for full details of how this method should be used. The return value will be the value from the configuration file - usually a dictionary. If the plugin is not configured the return value will be None . | ["Internals for plugins", "Datasette class"] | [] |
internals:datasette-remove-database | internals | datasette-remove-database | .remove_database(name) | name - string The name of the database to be removed. This removes a database that has been previously added. name= is the unique name of that database. | ["Internals for plugins", "Datasette class"] | [] |
internals:datasette-setting | internals | datasette-setting | .setting(key) | key - string The name of the setting, e.g. base_url . Returns the configured value for the specified setting . This can be a string, boolean or integer depending on the requested setting. For example: downloads_are_allowed = datasette.setting("allow_download") | ["Internals for plugins", "Datasette class"] | [] |
internals:datasette-unsign | internals | datasette-unsign | .unsign(value, namespace="default") | signed - any serializable type The signed string that was created using .sign(value, namespace="default") . namespace - string, optional The alternative namespace, if one was used. Returns the original, decoded object that was passed to .sign(value, namespace="default") . If the signature is not valid this raises a itsdangerous.BadSignature exception. | ["Internals for plugins", "Datasette class"] | [] |
internals:internals-datasette-urls | internals | internals-datasette-urls | datasette.urls | The datasette.urls object contains methods for building URLs to pages within Datasette. Plugins should use this to link to pages, since these methods take into account any base_url configuration setting that might be in effect. datasette.urls.instance(format=None) Returns the URL to the Datasette instance root page. This is usually "/" . datasette.urls.path(path, format=None) Takes a path and returns the full path, taking base_url into account. For example, datasette.urls.path("-/logout") will return the path to the logout page, which will be "/-/logout" by default or /prefix-path/-/logout if base_url is set to /prefix-path/ datasette.urls.logout() Returns the URL to the logout page, usually "/-/logout" datasette.urls.static(path) Returns the URL of one of Datasette's default static assets, for example "/-/static/app.css" datasette.urls.static_plugins(plugin_name, path) Returns the URL of one of the static assets belonging to a plugin. datasette.urls.static_plugins("datasette_cluster_map", "datasette-cluster-map.js") would return "/-/static-plugins/datasette_cluster_map/datasette-cluster-map.js" datasette.urls.static(path) … | ["Internals for plugins", "Datasette class"] | [] |
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CREATE TABLE [sections] ( [id] TEXT PRIMARY KEY, [page] TEXT, [ref] TEXT, [title] TEXT, [content] TEXT, [breadcrumbs] TEXT, [references] TEXT );